By default your auction site will include Euro (EUR), British pound (GBP) or US Dollar (USD) as its currencies. To change that, visit your Admin Panel, make your pointer click on Cog icon and click Currencies.
In the panel that will appear, you can delete or edit all of the already available currencies, or create new ones.
To delete a currency, click Delete next to the currency you would like to delete, or choose all of the currencies you would like to delete by clicking the checkboxes next to them, and then use the Bulk actions menu (select Delete and click Apply).
To edit a currency, click Edit next to the currency you would like to edit. If you would like to add a new currency, click the Add new button.
In the Currency Code field, enter the three-character code (in accordance with ISO 4217) of the currency - for example GBP, EUR, USD, AUD, JPY and so on. In the Currency symbol field, enter the currency symbol, for example $. In the Name field enter the name of the currency, for example US Dollar.
When you are finished, click Add currency.